Come have coffee with me in Buenos Aires...

Come have coffee with me in Buenos Aires...

PSL Season

PSL Season is here! (For those of you that aren’t norteamericanos, this refers to the American tradition of having syrupy, cinnamon-y Pumpkin Spiced Lattes.

PSL Season.gif

Luckily for us tangueras, we have a plethora of fall-themed tango shoes to match. Here I’ve compiled just a sampling, from one of my favorite brands, Comme Il Faut. I’ve included the names and the links below, I often by from Lisadore, as they have a great shipping policy.

PSL Season - Stands for Please Some more Lisadore! I am not affiliated with Lisadore, but I do recommend them, for their great shipping track record, and great supply of Comme Il Faut tango shoes!

PSL Season - Stands for Please Some more Lisadore! I am not affiliated with Lisadore, but I do recommend them, for their great shipping track record, and great supply of Comme Il Faut tango shoes!